Yesterday I left La Roche after a nice lunch get together with former students at an Italian restaurant and headed north, towards Paris. With the good weather and some time today, a stop in the Loire seemed like a good idea and the fortified city of Chinon was the perfect place to eat, sleep and ride.
The chateau at Chinon is the place where Joan d'Arc tracked received an audience with the Dauphin and where she picked him out of a crowd where he was dressed as a lower noble in order to test her. The English were overrunning the countryside and God told Joan, a peasant, to convince the Dauphin to assume the throne in Orleans and unite France against the invaders. He does, they do and, if it was an American made-for-tv movie, they would fall in love and she would become queen. Alas, this France and the king betrays her and she's burned at the stake.
Flash forward a few centuries and I'm standing in the medieval section of the town, across from

Le menu consists of choice of pizza and a tomato salad and a caramel creme brule for desert. Not bad for 12€. Life is good as I work my way through the salad and then the door swings open and three

Since my exchanges with the waitress have been in French, the others have no idea what nationality I am. It provides me a certain

The morning petite dejeuner is similar. A couple from Seattle are eating at a nearby table; I'm spread out at mine with maps, guidebook and pda (complete with French dictionary and gps) and I greet them first in French, (polite nods) and then in my Wisconsin-accented English (enthusiastic hellos). We talk and discover we're headed to the same place, Aznay le Rideau, but via very different paths. They will be driving in a straight line for 22k on a four lane highway, and I'll be snaking my way a velo between the Indre and Loire Rivers on a road barely 5 feet wide. I suggest my route and show them the maps. The say something about being in a hurry... C'est la vie.
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