Sunday, December 03, 2017

rumination in the dark at fifty three

in the end
at last
in the simple dark
between closing my eyes
and sleep's release
is all i am
what i've done
the sum total of one

the only fear i've had
was losing something i didn't have
a worry that wasn't real
isn't that what love is
needing what we don't have
seeking what isn't
in places that aren't

in the dark, i see
and smile
at what i am
when the fear is gone.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

vin chaud

a night's wind in montmartre
pushes past the doors, the patrons
squeeze hip to shoulder 
gripping mulled wine
letting songs roll off
in french I don't always understand
there's a vague beauty
a monet would understand
seen through memory
and eyes half wide.